Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food diary

On the night of Tuesday the 28Th I had tuna casserole with pees, mixed veggies (half cup),egg noodle pasta, 1 cup of tuna. I then finished my evening off with chocolate Swiss and a Pepsi max ( on the Pepsi can it states it contains zero calories). The next morning Wednesday the 29Th i had 2 Quaker oatmeal packages, 2 pieces of toast with raspberry preservers and jelly, and 2 glasses of Tropicana orange juice with no pulp. My lunch consisted of 2 cups of coke and a slice of pizza from Bravos pizza (there pizza's are extra cheesy). I then came home to have two servings of meatloaf and half a plate of broccoli with another half plate serving of mashed potatoes. My dessert was another Swiss pudding snack with an ice cream bar.
So far i believe my meals have been pretty healthy and equally balanced. I guess adding more vegetables and water to my meals could help making my meals healthier.

Thursday September 30Th i had 2 packs of Quaker oatmeal for breakfast with and egg mcmuffin, followed by one glass of orange juice.

Quaker Oats box I went to the McDonald's website and looked at there nutrients chart and I found out that an egg mcmuffin contains 300 calories, 12 grams of fat, 30 grams of carbohydrate, and an interesting 10 percent of vitamin A. Since i know nothing about daily intake of nutrients i decided to look up and first thing i saw was that our daily intake of calories is around 2,000... if some one such as myself eats 2 or 3 egg mcmuffins in the morning almost half of our daily intake of calories is finished . I found this so interesting that one small breakfast sandwich could take up so many calories. Later today for lunch i went to Wendy's and hand a medium fries, cheese burger and a medium coke. When looking at how many carbohydrates the cheese burger had, i found it interesting that it had only had 43 but yet an egg mcmuffin had 30, what about the cheese burger was different? (besides the obvious)

Having to log what i eat and then look up the nutrient facts have really opened my eyes to what i should, and how i should be healthier in my choices. Tonight my mom said i could have whatever i like and instead of having healthy left overs (broccoli, and meatloaf) i chose chef boyarde, which i know for a fact without even looking at the nutrient facts is not even close to being healthy for me. In one can of chef boyardee there are 425 calories, 50.6 carbohydrates and 19% of iron. Although i probably have daily calories and carbohydrates left it is gross to think how stuff in a can is made in order to stay good.

To finish off my food diary i had 2 more cups of Swiss pudding, and because they taste so delicious and make my taste buds go wild I don't mind what there nutrient facts are. Having this food diary was a great experience and for fun I'm making my mom do her own this weekend and where going to compare the outcomes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hw 5

As I was browsing through the Internet i found that when people were talking about food they like or things they dislike about food they weren't very open to other points of view and were set on just there opinion.

I typed the word "Vegetarian" into the google search bar and one of the first things that loaded was a recipe and the page then filled up with more recipes and places where they sell vegetarian food. After typing in vegetarian pros and cons not to many articles popped up but the one that i did look at had more pros and didn't get to into the cons. Now i know being a vegetarian is healthy and helps with people's diets but doesn't every good thing have a bad side as well? Its very obvious to see that when people are trying to pursue an individual or group of people into liking something new dominant discourse comes into play.

After reading Doctors orders: eat well to be well i was very perplexed by the ideas Dr. Preston Maring was trying to push across. "I like to put doctor's on the spot...We tend to be exalted, and i want to show the staffs that many of us don't know how to mince garlic" There are reasons why doctors are doctors and not chefs, if your going to bring something new to an enviorment (such as an organic food stand) you should be prepared for people to wonder about the stand and not know how to prepare whatever it is you brought to the enviorment such as an organic stand. "We get so little training in nutrients that i wanted to provide some basic knowledge" If not everyone is given the certain amount of knowledge to completely understand a topic how are we supposed to widen our intelligence? Boundaries such as these cause discourse and limitations on what individuals and do/improve on because there is just so much more to learn as you grow older.

Reading through Senate Bill on Food safety Is stalled I had a brain blast when i came across the word farmers. Most organic foods are grown on farms and farmers work very hard to produce good healthy food, but what about all these outburst of salmonella and other viruses that organic and farmed food give us. Such things like this are never really talked about as much as the good part of farming is. Our community is very biased and only like to talk about positive things instead of trying to fix and improve the bad. When it comes to not being biased i believe discourse plays a major roll and people only like to talk about the good things to a certain point and once they get to that point they no longer want to discuss the topic.

Discourse plays a major role in most of our lives and we don't usually pay attention to it. Our conversations are usually limited and don't go any further then we usually have to, for example ask your friends where they want to go to lunch. The conversation usually ends right when a place is decided instead of going further and seeing whether or not the place is healthy, or if there are more options that could be cheaper or what not. Discourse limits our daily lives and effects how we get/ interpret what we are taught or read.

Monday, September 27, 2010

HW 4 - Your Families' Foodways

Our families definately affect how we approach food. I eat and enjoy whatever my parents eat. Yes there are some differences between what we like, but in general, I eat what they make. You grow up eating what your family likes, and in a way, you are forced to like it too. However, cultures, gender norms, and economic class also have an affect on "how"/"what" we eat. For example, Hispanics eat and prepare their food very differently than the Irish. Different cultures have different traditions. Generally, "Italian food" consists of carbs, sauces, and pizza. This is a "food way". Lastly, your social class also alters what you eat. If you tend to be higher class you eat things like filet mignon and escargo; if you tend to be in the lower class you may eat fast food everyday or things less expensive but just as delicious. Therefore, these variables affect our daily food routines.
My parents are very healthy, they like to have an equal balance of different types of food. For example, at dinner they will have the meats, the greens, and then the carbs. According to them, they try to make their meals as healthy as possible because that's what their parents did for them. I feel that what you eat comes mostly from what your family eats; and my parents are a great example of this. They also said that now a days children are starting to eat whatever they please. If given a choice between a salad an a cheese burger most teenagers would pick a cheeseburger. My parents said that when they where younger they were forced to eat whatever was put on their plate whether they liked it or not.
The inside of my fridge supports how my parents try and be healthy. There is healthy food, such as lettuce, tomatoes, lamb, turkey, cheese, milk, etc. However there is also junk food, including pudding, ice cream, etc. Although my parents strive to be as healthy as possible they still have sweet tooth's and slip back into their childish ways. The fridge is the perfect example of how my family and I eat and try to compromise with every ones wants and needs when it comes to food.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Field trip

After touring both the green market and McDonald's i found it interesting how although there just across the street from each other they both contain a very different feeling when your around them.

When i walked into McDonald's the atmosphere was kind of dull and there wasn't much talking except for at the register's and everyone behind the register was a minority. Across the street at the green market almost all of the people running the stand where Caucasian. Something i also found to be very interesting was that there were two men emptying an ATM and when Andy asked them if the money was tempting the big muscular African American guy totally ignored him and just held his bodyguard position. Yet there was another African American guy sitting next to my friends and i and was very open that his cousin Stanley only goes to McDonadl's to have there pancakes. Since McDondal's is known as one of the best fast food chains when people come in they tend to be in a big rush or iratated by something, at least last what i noticed today on our visit.

Once I stepped foot across to the green market the whole atmosphere changed and everyone seemed a lot happier and eager to help you pick what you wanted. The food was fresh and most of it was picked or made upstate. Everyone was walking slowly and even smelling the fruit and smiling after they would pick the right size. At the green market a lot more people where intreseted in aswering our questions and explaining how there food or item was made, which made the area at the green market genrally more inviting.
If i was alone or with friends i would probably stop by a fast food place like McDonadl's but if i was with my mom she would most likely make us stop at the green market because my parents tend to eat a lot healthier then me. Rosi stated in class "our parents and genrations before us are much healthier then us" I stronglyagree with his statement becasue as I stated earlier I would choose a McDonadl's over a Green Market anyday, yet I am starting to gain some of my parents habits. During meals that I eat with them I try to eat healthier and add more "green" to my plate eachtime, although my progression is increasing very slowly I am making improvements on my eating habits.
This"feild trip" was an eye opener because it is very easy to see how atmosphere and surrounding help sell food products. The happier someone is to sell their product the more income they make, the more grumpy and unappealing a place looks the less income I believe they will make. It would be interesting to compare how the time of day (breakfeast vs lunch, or lunch vs dinner time" effects our observations.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Initial Thoughts

No matter what time of day i always make time to eat. Whether I'm happy,sad, confused,ashamed or tired i am always in the mood to eat. In my house hold food is highly praised and never taken for granted. "When where born we yearn for food and love" Ally stated this in the computer lab and i agree with her because when we're little we need food in order to survive and we need the nutrients that food gives us in order to grow stronger. We need love because we tend to sense of attachment to people especially the ones raising us.

After a long day at school and probably soccer practice I'm starving all i want is a hot shower and food. Before i even reach my door i can smell my mothers cooking. When food has a good smell my taste buds tend to open up and make me want to eat that specific food, but then there are those times when my taste buds get fooled and the delicious smelling food doesn't taste so Delicious. For example nuts for nuts stands in the city smell wonderful to me but the second i tried one i wanted to puke. Depending on a foods smell i get more attracted to it and tend to want to try it.

I find food to be very sacred and important to people because food satisfies many of our needs as humans and keeps a lot of us happy and content. Food brings many people together and is a great topic to use as a conversation starter, there are many opinions on food, such as how the meat is processed, the way the rosters are raised that make our eggs or even simple things such as different brands of cheese. I am looking forward to digging deeper into food and learning insights that could effect my future eating habits.