1. Vincent, Peggy. Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a modern midwife. New York: Scribner, 2002. Print.
Business of being born shows a different side to how the doctors treat the mothers in labor, they show that the doctors do care and are very willing to help the mothers in birth. While in Baby Catcher the doctors are seen as bad guys who could care less about the mother , they just want to deliver the baby. Another thing that Business of being born does different is after birth they don't go into detail about what happens with the baby or with the mother, while in Baby Catcher Peggy Vincent goes into detail about how she cuts the umbilical cord and how she handles the placenta. Business of being born also doesn't get into how age affects a birth, while Peggy Vincent goes into detail with two different birth stories on how age caused different side affects during birth.
2. Major insights: The second hundred pages have basically the same major insight as the first hundred pages except some deaths during pregnancy occur, so Peggy Vincent makes it a point to let the mothers know that they can always try again and have a "spirit baby". She also makes it clear that regardless of the setting of the birth (hospital or home) death's during pregnancy can and will occur.
My thoughts: I agree with Peggy Vincent, if a mother loses a baby during birth she should try to conceive again if that's what her and her family want. I also agree that the pain of losing a child will never completely go away but it will get easier as time goes on just like any death that occurs.
3. Interesting aspects:
1. The points in which a home birth has to be taken to the hospital. page 119-121
2. Spirit babies. page 126
3. How babies die in the womb/ during birth. Page 148- 150
4. How placentas are used. page 154-155
5. The affect of age during birth/pregnancy. page 127
4: Independent research: How does age affect birth
"Women usually have some decrease in fertility starting in their early 30s. It often takes a woman in her mid-30s or older longer to conceive than a younger woman. Men also may have some decrease in fertility starting in their late 30s" As woman increase in age they become less fertile which causes many issues, the main one being it is a lot harder to get pregnant. This supports what Peggy Vincent brought up because she was very unsure about getting pregnant at her old age and the quote supports her doubts, one being that she may not be able to conceive. Peggy Vincent's evidence is factual because it is a known and proven fact that as woman get older it is harder to get pregnant.