Precis: With out the right sterilization of the meat, it is very easy for meats to have outbreaks of E.Coli. Fast food restaurants are very prone to getting disease.
"She was admitted to the hospital on Christmas Eve, suffered terrible pain, had three heart attacks, and died in her mother's arms on December 28, 1992. She was six years old." Page 199
"But the recent changes in how cattle are raised,slaughtered, and processed have created an ideal means for the pathogen to spread" Page 201
"Stomach and intestines are still pulled out of cattle by hand; if the job is not performed carefully, the contents of the digestive system may spill everywhere" page 203
There are defiantly ways this could have been prevented, if only workers and corporations weren't lazy and actually cared about the consumers.
Why didn't all the parents of the children who died (because of this disease) rebel and protest against this and make sure something was done to fix this outrageous outbreak.
If workers no that if the meat isn't cleaned properly it can have many bad side affects, why are they being so lazy and careless?
Chapter 10: Global realization
Precis: Americans tend to try and follow the American way but that might not always be the way to follow if our ways lead to obesity and disease that are caused by laziness and carelessness.
"Global realization" Page 229
" A decade ago, McDonald's had about three thousand restaurants in more than 120 countries. If currently opens about five new restaurants every day, and at least four of them are over seas." Page 229
"The high unemployment rate in Plauen has created social and political instability." page 251
After almost finishing the book its obvious that McDonald's has more cons then pros, so why do people put so much money,time and effort into it?
Although i totally disagree with the way McDonald's runs and operates, there way of selling there products to consumers is very brilliant.
Epilogue: Have it your way
Eating from fast food restaurants is a choice, if customers choose healthier ways to consume their meat many things can be avoided, such as E. coli, diabetes. United States was claimed to have the safest food but soon later the real evidence came out and we no longer hold that claim.
"Their philosophy of cattle ranching is based upon a simple talent: "Nature is smart as hell" (Pg. 256).
"He has come to believe that our industrialized system of cattle production cannot be sustained" Page 257
"There is nothing inevitable about the fast food nation that surrounds us- about its marketing strategies, labor policies, and agricultural techniques, about its relentless drive for conformity and cheapness." Page 260
Reading Fast Food Nation really opened my eyes, and finding out the complete truth about how the meat is handled and how the employees in slaughter houses are treated blew my mind. Although I would rather not know the exact details i found it really important to find out at a young age so i can warn others about the risk in all fast food meats.
Ally asked "How can we avoid eating this food." I believe an easy way is finding out exactly where your food comes from and changing the places you buy your meat from. There is also the vegetarian idea but personally I'd rather shop at a market.
Knowing the truth about fast food franchises is highly important and everyone should be warned, simple things like diabetes is only one of the many side effects that can be caused by fast food reasturants. This topic should be taken more seriously.
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