Tuesday, April 19, 2011

HW 47 Interviews

1. How do you want to be taken care of once you pass away?
2. Does handling the dead scare you?
3. What are the rituals of your religion, when handling the dead?
4. If you could change something about how the dead is cared for, what would it be?

Female Age 18
1. I want to be cremated and have my ashes thrown in the ocean, it seems peaceful.
2. I used to be afraid of death and seeing dead people but since my grandmother passed away I am okay with the idea of death and the process that happens once one passes on.
3. I'm not really religious but I do believe in God, so I guess the common ritual's such as having a priest say a person's last rights and having a wake followed by a funeral.
4. I think applying make up for a person who has passed away is not necessary, so I would take that aspect away. From personal experience going to an open casket wake and seeing the person with make up, made the person look more dead then "pretty".

Female Age 18
1. I'm honestly unsure. I think its nice to be in a casket and have a funeral, but I don't like the expensive aspect of it. I also don't like the depressing aspect and I prefer a funeral where its not just about being sad but also about moving forward. Before I'm put into a cemetery-if any part of my body can be donated (like my heart, lungs, idk) to people who need them to live on than I would like that.
2. Yes, and death scares me in general. I was uncomfortable with my grandfather's funeral and its scary to admit that an important person is no longer there anymore.
3. I actually have no clue. I don't associate myself strongly with any religion, and my parents doesn't like bringing up about religion since some of my family members are more religious than others.
4. I think as long as (if there's a will) the person who passed away is taken care of in a way they wanted to be, its fine. I don't think there should be restrictions on 'how to care for the dead'

Female Age 17
1. I never really thought about how I want to be taken care of when i die. I guess I don't want people to feel sad about my death because everyone will die eventually and they will know that I'm in a better place.
2. I have never actually seen a dead body but I don't think it's scary I actually think it's interesting to observe a dead body. This depends tho on the situation if the body is in a morgue it's different than seeing someone get shot. But dead bodies are cool.
3. With my religion I noticed that at funerals there is a speech given about the person and their contributions to society, they sing songs and look at the body. With my family's perspective dead people have no life, obviously haha but once you die your spiritual body leaves your physical body and you either go to heaven or hell.
4. I think that people need to decide what people should do to their bodies before they die. Some people don't think they will die early so they say they will plan the way they want to be buried but that never happens.

While reading over the interviews I found it interesting how the third person I interviewed when asked about how their religion handles the lost of someone they mentioned that during funerals there are songs sang and speeches given. I totally forgot about this aspect of a funeral when writing up my initial thoughts. Interviewing people of different races and religion is a great way to open ones opinion/ mind to how people can be taken of once they have passed away.

When the second interviewer was asked how they would like to be taken care once they passed away, they talked about the cost of a funeral and coffin which is another aspect I personally forgot all about. I find it crazy how after a family loses a loved one they then have to worry about paying for a funeral etc. If I could personally change anything about the care of the dead I would change the money factor. I would make funerals, coffins, and tomb stones absolutely free. Families shouldn't have to worry about the cost of a funeral when the only thing they want is there loved one back and getting them the nicest coffin possible (if their not getting cremated).

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