Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hw 48 (comment this break hw)

1. What do you see as the "social norm" when handling the dead?
2. Do your personal beliefs compare or contrast with the social norms?
3. Does your religion play a part in your thoughts about handling the dead?
4. What do you think happens after death?

1. Having a wake, memorial/funeral service is still very much practiced
2. I'm in agreement that our loved ones who pass on deserve to be remembered!
3. Yes, I would want to be respectful of the religious customs of the departed and their family
4. I prefer to believe that we are all one thing and that this thing is called by many names and that this one thing is in all of us living things and this one thing is eternal.

1. Usually, a wake and funeral are held in honor of the dead. Sometimes there is a memorial service if one is not waked.
2. I agree with the social norms of how society handles death.
3. Yes religion plays a huge role in my thoughts about how death is handled. One should always be aware of others beliefs on what is the "right" way of dealing with death is. Different religions believe different things and you should always be respectful of their beliefs even if you don't necessarily agree.
4. After death I believe that the soul leaves the human body and departs on another journey that will last them forever in Heaven.

When my first mother answered the questions it was interesting that she never mentioned a specific religion yet she believed we were all connected in a special way. Although she isn't very religious she respects the social norms of society and handles the care with respect. When contrasting both of my parents it was interesting how my second mom thought religion played a big role in her thoughts about handling the dead.

This topic is not talked about much and it was interesting to see how my parents felt towards the questions I asked them. When I asked my family about how religion played a role in there child hood they didn't make it seem like it played a huge role, so I was surprised when both of my parents said that they follow social norms and believe in the traditional ways when handling the dead. The quote "After death I believe that the soul leaves the human body and departs on another journey that will last them forever in Heaven" really impacted me because I believe in that theory as well but I don't have evidence behind why. I tried getting my mom to elaborate on her thoughts but we just went in circles. I find it hard to believe in something that can't be proved but since Heaven and Hell has always been something I was taught its hard to think of anything but that. Asking my parents these clarifying questions definitely helped me understand there thoughts and beliefs on how they would handle the care of the dead.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stephanie

    To start with you had great questions, questions that would receive good answers with little elaboration. But i've learned after couple of interview that it helps to tell them some background info first on what we are studying this unit for them to be able to answer well. But overall it was good, how you learned how your mothers have two complete different point of views on belief of the dead but still agree on that there should be a certain respect for the dead. I liked how the last line wrapped up your blog, " Asking my parents these clarifying questions definitely helped me understand there thoughts and beliefs on how they would handle the care of the dead" because for me this HW did the same thing for me. Only thing could have done was to proof read, besides that well done!

  3. I liked the order you asked your questions in, it made you interview stronger. You stated that" Although she isn't very religious she respects the social norms of society and handles the care with respect." I found this very true in my interviews as well. People had either religion beliefs to follow or there own beliefs but they still respected and followed what they thought were the social norms for the care of the dead. I feel you could have found another connection but I enjoyed reading your post.

  4. Overall I enjoyed reading both the questions answered and your analysis on them. I completely agree with your parents on the fact that "respect" should be given to the dead and their family whether or not you agree on their beliefs or not. I also like how you expanded the idea of the soul leaving the body and departing on another journey. It is much easier to believe in something that you can physically see and touch, rather than things you can't such as souls, God, Heaven, etc. I feel as if the answers your parents gave made you really think of how you felt on the topic which is very important. Proof-reading could be used in this post, but it was still a very strong-opinonated post! Well done.
    *Written by mentor
