Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 49

My comment to Michelle: It was so interesting reading your initials thoughts. I also found it interesting that at your age some one close hasn't died, know a days I hear about death left and right because of all these diseases such as cancer, aids, etc. I liked how you really got into detail about how your culture handles the dead and if our culture took on some rituals from your culture the death process might be more about the dead loved one instead of what there coffin looks like and how much money is spent on the tombstone. I noticed your grammar and spelling has improved tremendously, keep up the great work!
Michelle's comment to me:

To start with you had great questions, questions that would receive good answers with little elaboration. But i've learned after couple of interview that it helps to tell them some background info first on what we are studying this unit for them to be able to answer well. But overall it was good, how you learned how your mothers have two complete different point of views on belief of the dead but still agree on that there should be a certain respect for the dead. I liked how the last line wrapped up your blog, " Asking my parents these clarifying questions definitely helped me understand there thoughts and beliefs on how they would handle the care of the dead" because for me this HW did the same thing for me. Only thing could have done was to proof read, besides that well done!

My comment to Evan: I was shocked that everyone you interviewed was unsure of how they wanted to be buried, yes it's a sad thing and yes we are young but it eventually has to be talked about. Although I don't know exactly what I want once I die I do know that I want my funereal to be like a party and I don't want people to be sad and cry. I enjoyed that you asked everyone if the funeral was religiously orientated, and reading about how Jewish families handle death was interesting. Over all your post was good, just reread your work for grammar and spelling mistakes. Keep up the good work!
Evan's comment to me:
I liked the order you asked your questions in, it made you interview stronger. You stated that" Although she isn't very religious she respects the social norms of society and handles the care with respect." I found this very true in my interviews as well. People had either religion beliefs to follow or there own beliefs but they still respected and followed what they thought were the social norms for the care of the dead. I feel you could have found another connection but I enjoyed reading your post.

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