Saturday, May 7, 2011

HW 52

Precis: Funeral homes in order to keep there business up have to portray the idea of after life and reincarnation as an option. Despite someones religion most people believe there is something after death, so funeral homes use peoples beliefs to there advantage, by having many options available for families so there dead loved one can "travel" easily.


"I'll see you next lifetime, the drunk told the harpist as I left" (Jokinen, 237)

"Due to a logistical mix-up, the remains of 135 children were left behind, and now rest under a
Home Depot, Costco and two-store praking garage." (Jokinen, 246)

"When people are on their deathbed, what they want is to make sure they're not forgotten." (Jokinen, 251)

Analysis: I believe that since humans know they will eventually pass on they want to believe there is something beyond just laying underground till they rot or being burned so their family can spread your ashes in the wind. Believing in an after life is a lot more soothing then just believing nothing happens, at least that's how I feel. Many people in society like to believe in something because it gives them something to look forward to weather or not what they believe in is true. After finishing Curtains it is easy to see that funeral homes take handling the dead to a level all about profit and not about the emotion and families effected by the death. Handling the dead comes with many responsibility's such as informing families that a Maple coffin is a better way to travel to heaven then a plain oak coffin. Personally I find funerals to be a scam and families shouldn't have to pay people in order to pay there loved ones respect.

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